spoil for


spoil for 的定义

  1. Be eager for, as in He's just spoiling for a fight. This idiom nearly always refers to some kind of altercation. It may allude to spoil in the sense of “deteriorate over a period of time.” [Mid-1800s]

spoil for 近义词

spoil for

等同于 long

spoil for

等同于 pine

spoil for

等同于 want

spoil for

等同于 wish

spoil for

等同于 covet

spoil for

等同于 crave

spoil for

等同于 desire

更多spoil for例句

  1. Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child.
  2. There was no mistaking this for the gaudiness and gilt of made-for-TV awards shows.
  3. Given the potential for a cyber tit-for-tat to escalate, Obama has even more incentive to find a diplomatic solution.
  4. Twenty-five more for-profits are on well on their way to doing the same thing.
  5. Will Christian pharmacists, county clerks, florists, and for-profit wedding chapels really withdraw from society, as you describe?
  6. The result of this stock-taking shows that eleven volumes were unaccounted-for, a list of which is appended.
  7. At this stock-taking the number unaccounted-for is twenty-two, several of which are quite recent accessions to the Library.
  8. Edna's desire to see Mademoiselle Reisz had increased tenfold since these unlooked-for obstacles had arisen to thwart it.
  9. She says she ain't going to spoil her children by sparing rods when our 'upper lot' is full of 'em.
  10. If only we could obtain running powers to Limerick and carry them back to Ireland, we should have secured some of the spoil.